accidental awesome

By alexamato

There we go. 200 blips.

The weather prevented me from getting a creative 200th blip outdoors.

But that's fine. It's fine because I just came across Maritime's new album "Human Hearts", and I'm more than happy to be in my living room blasting these amazing tracks at full volume while making use of my "studio".

I first heard Maritime when one of their songs was on a Props BMX video years back. "Tearing Up the Oxygen" instantly became the soundtrack of BMX for me. It's a song I associate with long nights of summer street rides with my buddies back in Washington DC. I even had the pleasure of seeing them live in DC a few years ago at the Rock and Roll Hotel (not an actual hotel).

So yeah, it's raining out, but I'm happy to be able to snag my 200th in here.

Thanks again for all the support from those who are into my photos.

I'll keep them coming so long as you do.

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