Circle of the Seasons

By GCleare

My View

This is my back yard. The chicken house is on the left, and that's our tobacco barn on the hill in the distance. They used to grow it here many years ago, but now we use the barn for storage and parties.

There also used to be a huge antique dairy barn on the right where the stone foundation remains. When we were restoring it, and the structure was teetering on house jacks, a wind storm came along and ripped the roof off and threw it across the driveway at my house!

That was the end of that barn. It was too far gone to fix at that point, so we demolished it. I cried that day.

It's a shame, really. It was like a cathedral, tall and dark and mysterious inside. The ghosts of cows from long ago peeked out from between the slats of the milking stalls. On one of the walls was scrawled, "I love Amber."

My daydream is to put an inground pool surrounded by flagstone pavers inside the old foundation. That would be so great! I want to float on a raft with a gin and tonic in my hand and look up at the clouds...

This is an appropriate shot for my 300th entry, considering where I started!

PS - Bill, sorry to say that Ryan did not number the shutters when he took them off. What a good idea...wish we had thought of it!

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