
By karenjulia

The latest craze

Ok girl blippers - have you discovered pinterest yet? It is a girl thing - cutting out photos of things we like, desire, enjoy looking at. Whether its hair styles, nail designs, clothes, recipes, wedding dresses, inspirational sayings, clothes, interior design ..... the list goes on.

Pinterest allows you to do this online. You can "pin" images from online or upload your own photos into "boards" that you name and categorise. Its quite cool.

My only complaint is that they can't keep up with the traffic at the moment and you frequently get server overload issues. But persevere - its another visual delight site!

There's a few Blippers on there - I've recognised some photos. I've uploaded my Ranunculus as you can see.

Join me on there - I'd love to "follow you". I think this is my board.

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