Life Slips By

By Cider12

100 Blips

I was thinking about the different uses of the number 100. Being the 'learned scholar' that I am, I did what all my students do when they need to do research...I looked on wikipedia.

Did you know that 100 is the sum of the first nine prime numbers, as well as the sum of four pairs of prime numbers (47 + 53, 17 + 83, 3 + 97, 41 + 59), and the sum of the cubes of the first four integers (100 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43)?

And that it is a Leyland number because 26 + 62 = 100?

So after toying with creating 100 out of lego, I decided it was only proper to post a photo of Cider today. He was, after all, my first blip.

Hard to explain what these 3 1/2 months of taking photos and learning how to use a camera have meant to me. Photography has become the regular highlight of my day.

When I take photos, it feels like I am gathering treasure and taking it home with me. And that treasure is free for the taking...!

None of this would have happened without this fabulous blip community to inspire, encourage, and empathize in the most welcoming way each day.

Thank you to all of you and here's to many more!

Cider outtakes:

Cider's welcoming smile

Looking sheepishly adorable

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