
The other reason we came across the water was for a family gathering! We are quite a small family and one of my cousins decided it was high time we all got together and he suggested his place! We sped down the M6, took the toll road (what happened to Birmingham??) picked up son number 1 from Leamington and headed down the M40 to Berkshire. Son number 2 was picked up from Maidenhead - how will I know him, asked my cousin? He has the family nose was the reply! They recognised each other immediately!!

This rather amazing house is right on the Thames and was put up a year ago - it's a Haus - designed by a German company who literally bring it over on a lorry and put it up - all in the space of two days!! it is very high tech, very white and very comfortable. The cousins are all mad into boats and we had a pootle up and down the river as far as Marlow. In the evening we sailed off again towards Cookham and had a delicious meal on the riverside. It was great to see everyone - my uncle, now aged 85, was leaping on and off boats and doing most of the driving (is that nautical??) - formidably fit. There was even an indoor pool - luckily we'd brought our speedos!!

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