Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Canna in Buds & Blooms

As I just shared in another Blipper's comment section, it's amazing how this forum changes your view of the world. I've only been here for a few weeks, and I'm constantly looking at everything around me, thinking "what can I capture next?" or "that would make a great picture." I'm particularly looking to my garden now, as there seems to be something new blooming all the time. So much beauty surrounding me. I keep composing shots in everything I see, wherever I go. It's crazy, but fun, and I'm definitely learning a lot in the process of exploring and examining the photos of others.

This morning, I checked the ponds' two pending bloomers. Both the Lotus and the Canna were open. Imagine my dilemma! I shot both and the had to pick from about 20. Since I already submitted a blip on the first Lotus Blossom, I went for the tropical Canna. This was actually my first shot of the day. How often does that happen? If you missed it, here is the shot I took a couple of days ago, featuring the Canna before blooming with its dragonfly visitor.

I considered waiting for more of the petals to open another day, but I liked the promise in this stage, a preview/teaser and kind of interesting combo of buds and blossoms. I found the ornamental grass softened the background of this view. I wish I could plan a bit better rather than take so many shots in order to find "the one." Guess that comes with experience, too. So much to learn.

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