I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Escaped for the day!

The kids went for an overnight with Grandparents today so Lord of the Manor and I headed to Glasgow OURSELVES!!!
A lovely Tapas meal was had in La Tasca and then we thought we'd head to the pics, however unless you wanted to see Harry Potter which was on in ALL screens we were stuffed! I had promised the kids we would all go and see that together, so we headed for the Westend, to see what was on in the Grosvener.....guess what, HP, and Hobo with a shotgun!! We we gave them a body swerve and headed for Flop, (still a cool shop). Two DVD 's later and a trip to Marks and we were heading for the underground. We were so relaxed (something to do with the wine at lunch!), even the lady from the Red Cross that harasses you on the street made comment were we having a "laid back day!!"
Quick blip at the underground and thats your lot today peeps! Enjoy your evening :)

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