Oh, crop!

By iShoot

A place of worship

The light of my life, in you I'm complete;
keep my house lit with the burning desire to please you.
Your cause I will follow filled and not hollow.

Light of my life keep my path strait, on my way to heavens gate.
The light from your flame do not tame,
let it be the consuming fire that you are.
May it burn down the waysides and make the pathway fireproof, for they only lead to destruction.
Place in me a hedge that will protect my heart from its flame,
and may the rest of me be consumed for your glory.
The fowls of the air from its burn are only temporary,
but the light is everlasting.


In this time of need, strengthen me. You are my strength and my shield; You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I know, Father, that Your eyes go to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts long for You. The body grows weary, but my hope is in You to renew my strength.
I do not fear, for You are with me.
I am not dismayed or overwhelmed, for You are my God. I know You will strengthen me and help me; that You will uphold me with Your righteous hand. Even as the shadows of illness cover me, I feel the comfort of Your strength, Oh Lord.

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