The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Temper Tantrum

Babysat for my mum's friend today... Her 3 year old 'angel.' I'll be honest, I have babysat for him before and he has behaved perfectly, but this time he was just a little shite.

It all started pretty well, we played sports day games in the back garden and had cuddles with the animals... BUT THEN he decided he wanted his mum. Cue the biggest. shittiest tantrum ever. This is a backblip, so the scratches have faded mostly, but the little bugger just went wild... Kicking and screaming and refusing to settle down. In the end I just left him to it and he cried himself dry.

Dealt with this pretty well in my opinion, though I point blank refuse to look after him again, especially after his mum tore a strip off of me for disturbing her during work so I could ask what I should do with her little spoilt brat of a son. GRR!

Anyway, post-tantrum he demanded an apple... So I took my time in stabbing the hell outta it before slicing it up. Fairly put me off having kids :P

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