And so it begins
I battled up the High Street as far as the Hub today to pick up some Courtney Pine tickets for the opening night of the Jazz Festival and to buy a few other tickets for some smaller events. Even now, before any of the Festivals start or the Tattoo starts its nonsense, Edinburgh seems too busy for words.
Ho hum. There are some consolations, though, for living in the self proclaimed Festival city.
Just perusing the book and politics festival programmes to see if there is anything low key we want to go to. And just realising this will be my first year of blipping the Festival. Now that could be interesting. Especially if I keep my camera handy for all the celebrities in town, remembering the time when I was sitting on my bike at the South Bridge/Royal Mile traffic lights waiting for the green light, and Charles Kennedy came across in front of me, fag in one hand, and pushing a baby buggy with the other.
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