horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Well-Read Chicken

Scoping out photo-spots on the way home. Y'see, three weeks on Saturday I'm taking photos at a wedding, and need to find somewhere near the registry office just off the Royal Mile. Somewhere quiet. During festival period. In the centre of Edinburgh.

Fortunately the Royal Mile is home to some tucked away gardens down its Closes. This chook is by the Scottish Book Trust in Trunk's Close; while further down the hill Dunbar's Close Gardens are truly fab.

A day of three conference calls, and a fair bit of work. Tired, tired, tired. Tomorrow = Friday, however, and a nice meal out for the first time in a wee while. And no real plans for the weekend, so a bit of relaxation to follow. Just Friday to get out of the way - the only day this week with no calls or meetings taking up parts of it. AND my new off-camera flash and remote trigger (see aforementioned upcoming wedding shoot) should arrive to have a play with.

Expect some attempted flash photography tomorrow.

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