First Fruits

We've begun to get ripe Cherry Tomatoes and apparently we have to get them off the vines before the chipmunks steal them. My Dad witnessed a rouge chipmunk making off with a tomato the other day. Rough neighborhood... We are beginning to get Jalapenos as well. The larger tomatoes are a bit behind this year. I think it may be because we started them from seed. They all have quite a few blossoms though, so the fresh salsa is not far away! yum.

The heat is insane this week. It was 82 (F) when I snapped this photo at around 7:15 am. As I was in my car going to lunch the on board thermometer read 100. If the official temp hits triple digits today then it's a new record. Might as well, right?

Paging Friday. Come in Friday.....

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