Hop Barn

By hopbarn

Red red rose

I love roses! Have I told you this before? I have quite a few in my garden. Most colours are represented, most are scented. Yesterday I went with a friend to a super rose nursery in Hadnal, north of Shrewsbury. I don't go often but when I do I can't help but get a car load. They are always such healthy plants and the vibrant colours and heady scents are just too tempting. My keen friend egged me on a bit too - after all I have a wedding to think of next year!
So today was all about planting them - I had to go into Kidderminster to get more pots and potting compost first. All but one rose, Warmest Welcome that my friend bought for me, are planted. I wanted her to agree the spot I have chosen for it, which is about the first thing you see when you drive in our gates. She said we always made her and everyone else so welcome that it was appropriate that I should have it.
After this I thought I'd just pop around the garden and prune the other established roses and spray them for bugs and deseases - I had not realized how many I already had and it took me until 10pm! I wish I had put gloves on because my hands are shredded now.
These beautiful red roses were on very long leaning stems and somewhere in the back of my mind I thought bad weather was on its way - nobody would appreciate them in the garden so I 'pruned' them to bring into the house to enjoy.

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