An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Ants in my Pants!

Well not quite my pants....but my shirt!

Literally just seconds after this blip was taken, this cheeky little bugger fascinating insect scurried up the stem of the plant (actually I think it's a weed!) over my hand, up my arm and under the rolled up sleeve of my shirt!!!

Now if there is one thing I hate more than coathangers (don't ask) it's creepy crawlies so my camera was thrown down carefully placed on the side border and faster than you could say shit I hope my camera's ok! my shirt was over my head and being shaken like billyo with one hand whilst the other hand slapped wildly at my torso incase the monster beastie was still on me! shudders This was, of course, all accompanied by much girly screaming.

Once I was sure the thing was long gone and my heart had calmed down to 170bpm, it struck me that I was standing in my garden, in view of the street, in bra and jeans and my camera was abandoned in a weedfilled border!

Sanity swiftly returned and I am proud to say that I attended to my camera before my modesty! Well, embarrassement I can deal with.....a broken camera would be the end of the world! Thankfully my camera is fine. I was so relieved I even kissed it!

So, Friday again my Blip pals! Got my best friend Agnes coming up for supper tonight. Not seen her for a few weeks due to her hols and ours so lots of salacious gossip intellectual conversation to be had! :)))

The pink wine is in the fridge!

Happy Friday Folks :)) xx

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