
By Rab

Cape Town. Day 2......JAWS!!!!!!!!

"Nothing ever becomes real, until it's experienced" John Yeats

Well i finally did it. I completed a very long standing ambition of mine and jumped into the water and I went nose to nose with the biggest, most fearsome predator in the world. Before you think I'm that crazy, there was a cage between us, but I can tell you this. At it's closest, this 5m long Great White Shark had it's jaws open and looked me straight in the eye and was no more than 6 inches from my face. I can assure you, I am not exaggerating, it was 6 inches from my face. Underwater, in it's natural environment, this big fucker and I had a moment, one that I will never forget.

Now THATS a rush. I can honestly say this was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.
Before you ask, Yes, I am an adrenaline junkie, yes, I am searching for that ultimate natural high and Yes, you have to be a little crazy to be this way, but when you fulfill these dreams, that feeling just can NOT be beat. It just can't.

Sorry for lack of blip activity recently, but I am going through a bit of personal emotional turmoil at the moment (don't worry mum, I'm a big boy), so blipping has been at the back of my mind. I have some back-blips and I will take care of them soon, so bare with me.

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