Capital adventures

By marchmont

Unjolly Green Giant

Not a lot to say after yesterday's mini book, you'll be relieved to know.

Woke early (does anyone know of a cure for screeching seagulls at 5 a.m.?) and fortuitously happened on the first blip by someone I've just 'recruited' to blipfoto East Coasting who is going to put Yamba, northern NSW on the map. I like doing blip when it's the middle of the night or early morning here - you get all the Antipodean blips from later that day and all the American ones from late the previous day.

Hairdresser (platinum all gone), Peter Green for Riesling, Eddies Seafood Market for sea bass, tuna and scallops, Fruit Connection for salad and then home. Noticed we have two new tea rooms at the end of the road including one called 'The Institute' which advertises fine teas and photography. Certainly seemed to be a lot of photos on the wall, but no people. I'll have to investigate at a later date.

Spent the afternoon updating my 'tree' info. That's it, the giant that looms outside my kitchen window. My current mission is to have it felled, therefore both reducing my electricity bill and releasing the potential of the back green. I've managed to get nearly everyone that needs to to say 'yes', although T is now wavering on 'biodiversity' grounds. Agreed with him we could plant an apple tree in its stead. I even finally remembered that it is easy to get the contact details of landlords as they have to be registered on a public database. Having been on that database myself you'd think I would have remembered about it earlier. Meanwhile, in the background Le Tour was on and Phil was going on about the enthusiasm of the Norwegian spectators. They'll be sadder to-night no doubt. Twitter kept me updated.

Since then #2 son has been round to collect his mail and drop off a card for his Gran's 86th tomorrow and I've been back to Peter Green's for the Friday night wine tasting. I may now go and cook the scallops.

Believe it or not it's nearly 9 p.m. and the sun is shining. I even have a window open but that has allowed a big buzzy thing in.

Looking forward to Blipcentral's arrangement with the Festival blipthefestivals. That's how I got started on this journey, when they had the similar tie up with the Hogmanay celebrations. It will give me an excuse to wander ponce round the town looking glaikit, with a camera slung round my neck and perhaps running into some other blippers.

Maybe we could persuade Blipcentral to organise open Festival blipmeets where blippers from all round the world could meet up with us locals? Or maybe we could just post it on the Forum and see who turns up?

Edited following Peninsulalight's comment re 'the ponce'.

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