
By traceyflowerpot

Myself and Me...

I got up this morning and did all the housework before the boys got up ready for school.

The day seemd to be going quite well, then the phone rung.

I couldnt believe was the Director of where I do my Photography Course asking me if I would do a piece for the local newspaper. "Me" I said. "Why?" .

"Word has got about that you have produced some very good photography since you have started this Photography Course, got into a Camera Magazine and a shop in your local town".

"We would like you to tell your story of your great improvment since you started this Course for others to see how you can improve on Courses".

"Well I was speechless (thats a first. haha), but I couldnt resist saying YESSSSSSS.

So now I am waiting for a lady to ring me over the next few days for an interview for the paper.

I cant believe it, I honestly cant, little ole me,........who would have guessed that....not me... I cant wait to tell my Photography Tutor tonight the good news.

Thankyou all for your lovely Get Well Wishes for Kieran yesterday, he feels fine today.

Tracey xxxx

I decided as it wasnt very nice outside today that I would try some more self portraits. It passed some time away to say the least. Haha.

Here is another Self Portrait of me which took alot longer to take than this one.

EDIT... I have just had a lady from the Photography Course ring me up to tell me if the newspapers will print my story it will be for two local newspapers and possibly a local radio station.

WOW......... I am so excited.

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