pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Momentous occasion

We bought this bottle of vino (Yalumba The Signature 1996 Cabernet Shiraz) at a wine tasting almost 8 years ago. Can't quite believe it was that long ago but I was pregnant with Son One at the time (yeah, probably wasn't my idea to go to a wine tasting at that point :-/) and he'll be, gulp, 8 in December. We were told to lay it down for at least 7 years. So we have.

The reason for opening it tonight? Well after a year of being 'Not Quite There', TPD has finished his first school year today and is now simply 'T' :-D So we're celebrating in grand style with posh plonk (fortunately it is very nice!), Doritos and The Life Of Brian. We know how to live ;-)

So proud of him. He's worked really hard, he's knackered, and how do I reward him? By starting my new job on the very first day of his holiday so he's chief child-wrangler. Nice and relaxing then..

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