Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

The Four Tops.

Now that's funny, I could have sworn they were black, or whatever the current politically correct nomenclature happens to be.

Mind you, they must have grown considerably after they bought their
 "Video unavailable: This video is private" it now says.
suits.  Which ,curiously, just happen to be potato coloured.

Got over the doorstep a couple of times today and forgot the bleeping camera on both occasions.

Elsewise the blip might have been yet another car plate SNO6 PAT: which I, of course, just had to read as "SNOG PAT", I hope Pat enjoyed it.

I'm quite proud of this years crop, which was, numerically, vastly down on last year (But more than just these 4 tops.) to make room for some veggies other than spuds.

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