
By milltownlass

Lucky day

Manchester City Centre ... too busy for me!

Why lucky? We went into Primark at just the wrong time, and after queuing for 20 minutes at the fitting rooms, the queues for the tills were gigantic (anyone who's shopped in Primark will know what I mean!).

So, we took a risk and hid our basket of items under one of the stands, in the hope that they might still be there when the queues were shorter. We spent several more hours shopping, and returned to find the basket waiting for us and no queue.

In the meantime, she realised she had lost her earring, but we retraced our steps and managed to find it in another changing room

We thought the luck had ended when we got home to find that the swimwear set we bought for her had a small nick in the fabric, but no! We called up a local store, who told us they had only 5 swimwear sets in total ... but they had the one we wanted in the right size!

Lucky, ... I think so!!!!!!!!!!!!

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