through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


I'm a horrible at blip, I know I know! It's definitely been a while!

Summer's coming to an end and I couldn't believe it today as I crossed out today on my calendar. Days' been going by fast as things piled up one by one, with two finals coming up (actually, one due tomorrow!), small group leading, worship practices for an upcoming praise night, mission trip and conference meetings, VBS planning, and job hunting (optional). WHEW.

But what words to describe this whole summer?

A closing chapter.

Even though I cut my hair and have let go a lot, I'm still healing.
Even though I'm finding more contentment in God, I'm still learning.
Even though I've won some battles by myself, I'm still fighting.

As a new school year rolls around though, there's yet a new one to write now.

During these weeks without blip, I promise I didn't forget! If you see the post-it note with the picture, that's a sketch I drew as an idea that I never got to ): Sometimes I wish my eyes are an automatic camera, so when I see something and I don't have a camera on me, I can just say "click!" or blink three times to capture the moment. OH I don't know but back to working on my final!


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