Rich Dyson

By EdinImage

Cor blimey, she's got feathers for 'air

It's been a tough day for taking photos today. I have decided to have laser eye surgery and it was my consultation day. As part of the consultation process you are given eye drops that are designed to dilate the pupils, however, the side effect is that for 5 or 6 hours after you are highly sensitive to light and can't read close up text. This therefore had to be the brightest day of the year and everyone was out at the Mardi Gras in Edinburgh wearing white. I spent a couple of hours snapping but had to give up and get into the dark in mt flat.

Before I left though I managed to take this rather nice portrait of one of the Edinburgh Samba School dancers and shoe-horned in the entry for the weekend blip challenge which has the theme of air (imagine an Eliza Doolittle drop her aitches and you'll see where I am coming from)

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