From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

2 of my favourite girls!!

Well these are 2 of my best friends Em on the left and M in the middle, we were all out celebrating M's husbands birthday and thought we'd try the new club that's opened up which has Burlesque dancers, but last night it was Old fashioned cabaret unfortunately it didn't work for us and we left about 11 and headed to our local gay club which i have to say is the best place ever to go and let your hair down.

Anything goes you go to the toilet and you come out and you'll invariably come face to face with a 6ft man dressed in a skirt that can only be described as a belt, but then if i had legs like that i would do the same, a cleavage big enough to park a bike in and lashes to die for!! Last night one of these men/ladies was giving tips to all the women on make up. Ok not everyones cup of tea, but do you know what i think it's great they have place they can let their hair done and be themselves, if only for a few hours and as this weekend has shown with all the tragic news life is far to short to not enjoy life to the full!!

So on that note I'm off to the pub to have a relaxing meal with my lovely family and friends!!

:0) X

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