The start of the football season.
I know the scottish season has started amid cries of 'what happened to the summer break?' The season hasn't started here yet, but the paperwork has to be done, passport-style photos, cheques, medical history. Oh, and the usual 'who is available?' if we don't get enough players we need to postpone the match (early enough to avoid a fine). DD has jumped from U16s to U18s, even though she will be an under 16 next year. She chooses to play with an older age group because they are very nice people and its fun. (this is her official photo, which she took herself, oops)
Anyway, a funny day. I got up very happy, trying to get lots done, and it seems to be slipping away this afternoon, partly because DD is not very D this afternoon, she's going on holiday tomorrow with 3 friends and she is getting stressed about it. will the car get packed in time? will Hanna's mum come home in time to let Hannah in to get her stuff? when Meg arrives at 9pm, will she have brought too much stuff? probably 'what am I going to wear? and a bit of 'does my bum look big in this?' thrown in for good measure. for the record, your bum doesn't look big in anything sweetie :) and it'll all come together in the morning, all you've got to worry about then is 'How sick will you be on the boat?'
Day 2 - haven't been out to the shops today, I'm going to send DD for milk in a few minutes. I don't trust myself not to come back with something I shouldn't.
positives today include
1. 3 lots of washing out on the line
2. printing from my laptop
3. delicious fruit for breakfast again
4. A text from DS in Japan, saying he's given his speech and it went ok.
Also determined to have a 5th positive, not slipping up on the mission to quit, I'll let you know about that one tomorrow.
edit: oh yes, positive number 5. felt a bit grumpy, but still not slipped up.
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