Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Cut Down To Size

Took some pictures for a woman today and had a really enjoyable time.

I then went to the local pond to try and get a swan or a duck shot but when I got there I found the local authority had cut down all the reeds and bullrushes. They had also cut down all the shrubs and small treess within about 15' of the edge and put up a fence.

"Stumped" sorry - bad pun

So much for helping wildlife and the environment.

I have no idea why the authorities insist on cutting down habitat on the fringes of everywhere. I wrote and asked why they insisted on spraying weedkiller along all the road verges instead of encouraging a natural habitat and therefor a 'road' for wildlife so that it can spread insead of being cut off in pockets.

They couldn't even tell me which department was resposable........Highways blamed Parks and Recreation who blamed Lighting who blamed...............

They obviously have a small office that nobody knows about who buy vast amounts of weedkiller and pay a small army of men to disperse it

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