My first year

By IsobelDuggan

Howya Festival

Got my phone back and it wont take my sim card, so its gone back to get fixed :O( Havent got much time, for transferring from camera to computer to upload so going to have to do some backblipping. Missing seeing what your all upto.

Isobel not well since last Saturday night, started off like she had wind / colic and was getting sick when she went to bed. Turned out she has a throat infection and what was coming off her throat was making her sick. On antibiotics at the moment. Only improved in form in the past two days, wont take any food only porridge as throat too sore. Poor little mite.

We went to Durrow, Co. Laois today to the "Howya Festival", it was lovely out. The whole town was covered in scarecrows that they have a cool competition for. Isobel missed out on her nap as she was so busy looking around. Here is one of her new friends.

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