Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

200 reasons

200 Reasons to be Blipping. (approximately, who's counting!)

She poses.
She's beautiful.
I'm biased.
She'll grow up soon
Blipping is addictive
She'll look back on these one day with a mixture of pride and embarassment
Its therapy
Blippers are great people
Blipping is addictive
New friends
New skills
New camera
Blipping is addictive
Its an achievement
Its a record of life
Its addictive
It transports me
it takes me away from the daily grind
It opens my eyes
Blipping is addictive, (did I already mention that?)
It makes me look around
It makes me smile
It makes me want to cry (sometimes)
It's soul sharing
It's cathartic
It's addictive.
It's fun
I never thought I could get geeky about photography
I never thought I would drool over filters and lights
I never thought I would hanker over lenses
And I never thought I would have EOS envy.
It's so addictive.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Today is a great day to start.
Today needs to be recorded
Today is the day I found this smile
Today is the day I thought I would share it
And it's so addictive.
Blip is the reason I have found myself again
Blip is the reason I have new friends
Blip is the reason I have a new outlook
Blip has made me more appreciative
Blip makes me see things in a different light
Blip makes me want to know more
Blip is addictive
(Did I already mention that?)

My favourites:
If you have an itch..
A rose for Japan
Classically inclined
Sailing away
Fairy land
King of the mountain
Fly past

I was going to do another mirror SP, a bit like 100, however when I finally got round to doing it and uploading the photos, I realised how filthy the mirror was and got distracted cleaning it......

Oh well only 165 to go for the year. Thanks for your company so far.

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