an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


Went out looking for photos today for the first time in ages. Lots of good shots, but this one won out.

I spent a lot of time with family today and feel better for it - another day of affirmation of my choice - so many people I love are here, how could moving back not feel right? Long conversations with my grandmother and my brother & his friend Daniel, and my favorite meal for dinner, Shepherd's Pie, Texan-style.

Tomorrow, another day with David and then back to Massachusetts. I hear it was 103 degrees F (39.5 C) there on Saturday, the hottest it has been in 85 years (not sorry I missed that one without AC). Though it was at least that hot here, at least it was a dry heat and we have air conditioning...

I feel so lucky, so blessed, so very loved this weekend. I cannot wait to be back here.

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