
By dark

Welcome Home

Back in Atlanta, I stopped on the way from the airport to grab a sandwich. As soon as I stepped out of the car, a guy passing in the parking lot yelled at me to get my attention.

"Hey!! Yeah, hey. You, ahh- you got 'ny change I kin hab, so's I kin, ahh, I need to git me a bus ticket home."

"Umm, sorry man. I don't have any change on me."

"How 'bout some headphones? You need you some headphones? They're good - bran new...." He produced a brand new pair of Sony DJ headphones, sealed in the box.

"Well, umm, no, I don't need any headphones. And like I said before, I don't actually have any cash on me anyway."

He kept walking, never breaking his stride through the entire conversation, and now, finally satisfied that he wouldn't, in fact, be talk ing me out of any money, he turned his attention elsewhere and continued on his way across the parking lot. As if the exchange had never happened.

I got the sandwich, got back in the car, and headed off straight into the oncoming thunderstorm.

Yep. I'm home.

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