Quiet Blipper

By Islandcat

Messing About in Boats

A perfect summer day. No 2 for us. ;-) Spent much of the day taking care of one boat or another. Readying our sailboat for a long weekend coming up and washing and waxing and polishing my rowing shell. Then finally out on the water early evening for a lovely row. The "to-ing and fro-ing" of boats that had been going on all afternoon in the harbour was over. Calm water and cool temperatures. Nice. -:) She slid quickly and smoothly through the water. Wondering if it was my imagination or did the waxing make a significant difference. One of my very favourite things to do and this past year, it has been tough to make the time. So a splendid day all round with a great finish. NIce to be back on the water.

Took this blip at one point in my row.

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