Shades On, Please

The sunshade is up outside, and my favourite chair is ready and waiting, but the sun is a bit slow to appear today.

Meanwhile the golden boy and I have graced the local Starbucks for a coffee before he meets a friend for a day of Playstation, but not before he has adjusted his Lordship's Bose enabling him to automatically get his favourite radio programmes at the touch of the numbered buttons.

I have done it many times in the past when his Lordship who has a knack of putting it out of kilter is unwilling to follow instructions to reinstate it, but D77 is quicker and worth waiting for.

With the Tour de France finished, there is a large background void in my life, and the subsequent afternoons of darts is to be avoided at all costs.

However I can look forward to an afternoon of chat with my friend o.m.t's providing I get there on my bike with the sidewall cut which I have superglued until the bike shop opens tomorrow after its closure today and I buy a new tyre.
Seeing as it went 45 miles yesterday without incident, I'm hopeful it will behave on the 2 mile journey this afternoon, but knowing that it's there is quite different to being blissfully unaware.

The story attached to today's blip of D77 is that he agreed to pose when I said I had no ideas about what I was going to upload today. He asked if I wanted his shades on or off and when I said 'on', he really took it quite well.
I only wish he had packed his tache and beanie too and I would have had the iconic picture.

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