Robots talking

Hopper: It's a bug-eat-bug world out there, princess. One of those Circle of Life kind of things. Now let me tell you how things are supposed to work: The sun grows the food, the ants pick the food, the grasshoppers eat the food...
Molt: And the birds eat the grasshoppers. Hey, like the one that nearly ate you, you remember? You remem- Oh, you shoulda seen it, okay?
Hopper: Molt!

These close up look sooo very mechanical. I heard them in the garden last week but didn't see any then. Today i saw a number of them along side all the butterflies.

Today is the first official day of summer holidays... we've already had 'i'm bored' umpteen times... joys!

Thankgoodness shes off to a bday party in an hour lol

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