Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Wrench Reaper

I saw this truck up ahead in a different lane. I just HAD to get that blip. But I had a few things against me. How to catch up and how to get my camera at the same time.

My camera was in its case on a strap across my shoulder UNDER my seat belt. The only good part of that scenario was the case itself was under the lap section.

I had to speed up and maneuver through heavy traffic while getting the darn camera out of the case, turned on and enlarged a little bit. Getting right behind the truck was difficult because the car behind it wasn't being very cooperative. Until he turned off. Then I scooted quickly into the lane.

Turned out I didn't have much time. I snapped off two pictures just as the truck was beginning to make a right turn.

I think it's one of the funniest things I've ever run across.

It's a good start to the week!

Happy Monday!

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