Who knew?

By InOtherNews

My Living Room.

This is me living room.

(That is written phonetically in a Lincolnshire accent. We say 'me' not 'my')

I wanted to share this for two reasons. Firstly I used my wide angle lens, hence the odd shadows in the corner. Obviously I enhanced them, it's not like I can do SOOC with any conviction.

I had a flashback from Friday night. I recall a guy shouting 'hey, you're the no lettuce and no mayo guy' across the street - turns out to be the bloke on the drive through window at KFC. I got recognised as a salad dodger who enjoys junk food whilst out and about. I'm not sure thats the image that I really want to be putting out there. Mind you it does ensure my order might actually be right next time.

Sod it. Time for some Family Guy. nothing like purile humour to sweep away the cobwebs of an exhausting weekend.

Oh thats right I haven't covered yesterdays events properly. Well sadly for y'all I don't think I'm going to. I'll sum it up in a few punchy bullet points instead.

* It was sunny and I am 'fair' haired.
* I got badly fucking burned.
* I found myself at home at 6pm genuinely happy in a long time.

that's it....

Really? I have to embellish the whole 'happy thing' do I? Is that because I'm always moaning and you'd love to read something positive from me? Good god you people can be hard to please.

Well tough. I'm currently feeling happy. I lost everything I've ever written, every photo I've ever taken and all the music I ever downloaded. I have to leave my job imminently and have nowhere else to go. I'm single and apparently extremely choosy as well, which combined with fairly plain looks and that special hair colour of mine doesn't exactly mean i'll be involved in the creation of any little Garys anytime soon. 90% of the people I classed as close friends for 10 years want nothing to do with me. I'm skint. My car does 30 to the gallon. My feet and my shoes combine the foulest odour known to man.

Despite all that I'm happy. Why? because in Ali Fuseini and Alan Power we finally have a midfield pairing that perfectly combines skill and technical ability with tough no-nonsense tackling and endless stamina.

As that annoying meerkat says in those adverts that have really outlasted their novelty value: Simples.

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