The Wire
So first day back in work after a week off, and it was a nice gentle affair. A lie in till 7am, that's an extra 2 hours, stayed in South Wales all day and all I had to do was some blue sky thinking. Oh yeah I forgot we had bacon sarnies when arriving at the meeting, on brown bread to make it healthy.
So what's with the blip? Well this is my only cause of frustration today, my laptop power lead. You may just notice a small nick which has got worse and now means it's not recharging the laptop battery. It was on it's way out before my holiday so I ordered a new one from our IT department.
Rang them up today to find out where it is, my line manager has authorised it but apparently some Executive Director has to approve it now. So in the meantime I'm stuffed, all for the sake of a tenner for a power lead. I'll get me coat.
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