One Year of Blip
Well this is my 365th Blip and I have completed one year of Blip. I must say it has been fun even hard sometimes! I tried to take every photo on my iPhone but I think twice I had a photo that I really liked that I took on my digital SLR.
Some real high lights have been the challenges set up by Pontycyclops, by starting these we had to find a picture to take and it was not always that easy but it made you think about Blipping all day long until you got that picture.
As I look back through my pictures I can remember where I was on any given day just by seeing what I photographed that day. When I recently got back from Turkey it felt like I had been away for about two months, it wasn't until I looked back through my Blips did i realise that the holiday was only 14 days and it felt quite strange.
Over the last year we have seen Floods in Pakistan, the Chilean Miners fiasco, The New Zealand Earthquake, floods in Australia and the terrible disaster that hit Japan and not to forget a Royal Wedding.
Thanks for all your comments over the last year I look forward to your pictures and comments in the forth coming year!
Ps the photo is in regards to having eyes everywhere as you never know where the next blip will come from!
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