Not much blip-choice today because I have managed to lock my camera in my office. Well, to be precise, I locked myself out and my camera in. The Uni buildings are only open 8-16 hours and at five past four I set off to return some books to the library and remember as the door shut behind me. Now, it turns out that I had all the information required to effect a re-entry, but not the explanation of how the access control system worked which would have turned that information into knowledge.
The library had also closed at 4, so I had to walk home carrying my books and leaving my 'school bag' behind. But I did have my phone in my pocket, so I snapped this doorway to an apartment block which I pass every day.
Now my Latin is a bit ropey, but I think that is a verb with two nouns, and both seem to be in the nominative case (though I cannot remember their declensions, I am pretty sure neither is accusative). I would be delighted to be corrected in the comments, so fire away!
Putting classical pseudo-pedantry aside, the sentiment is clear and charming, so I thought I would share it.
EDIT: Just discovered it is the 40th Anniversary of Diane Arbus's death.
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