my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Tweet Tweet #LibCampUK

Busy day at work, but that's how I like it.

Nice surprise tonight though, an opportunity to meet some of the great people I follow on Twitter at an event called Library Camp. And yes, I even love the name!

It will be quite daunting to meet all my fellow librarians and Shambrarian's who I have been pouring out my thoughts to for the last 3 years...but really exciting too.

And it's in Birmingham so that means a chance to stay with my best friend and put the world to rights. She, by the way, thinks Library Camp is just a bit odd! Makes me like it even more.

I wouldn't have gone to something like library camp 12 months new people? Actually talk to them about stuff? I would have stayed well within my comfort zone. Sat at home.

As you know I was Spectaculary booted out a million miles from my comfort zone last year. So now I feel the fear and do it anyway.

My all time favourite band put it better...

"I'm riding out the waves and testing out the hurdles"
Gene ~ I can't decide if she really loves me

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