Wild in the country

By colin

My own favourite paradise.

Today's image was chosen by Victoria and Tracy, to whom I am grateful. I actually quite liked this one myself.
Early afternoon at the hospital, getting checked over for blood pressure and pulse, and I'm still ticking, which is good, followed by a lecture on diet. I'm allowed oily fish, meat, and alcohol in moderation, which isn't much good to a teetotal vegetarian. On the other hand, I'm apparently off all the things that are full of calories, and I thought I needed for my energetic lifestyle. I'm sure it will all work out eventually.
After that I took the dog through the park, and attempted to take the bitch over the hills, but was cream-crackered by then so went home and prepared supper.
So tonight's image is my late evening stroll in the beautiful light that comes with the going down of the sun, and which produces such startling shadows. I had a lot to choose from, but as I say, Victoria and Tracy plumped for this. Ta folks.

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