
By stephenfr


My headache that I have been having all day has started to fade away. I was under a lot of mental strain that I placed on myself because of one itty bitty annual TB test I had to get that I was putting off for weeks because of my absolute hate of needles! The whole day I was just so nervous thinking about getting it done! It stuttered my performance in a presentation that I had to give in a group about an activity we made up. I was a lousy conversationalist. I was just so queasy all day. Ridiculous, right? The year before this, I had brought in ice pops so that I would be distracted from my own thoughts! This year, though, I had no ice pops to sooth my anxious soul! Instead, as the employee nurse was administering the test, I was talking about her son going to college and when she answered me about which one, I exclaimed so loudly Wow! In New York City!? barricading my thoughts of that needle, at that moment, piercing my skin! It worked! Haha. It is so sad that the TB test is like a celebration of working for a full year! Time has surely flown! Also, today I had my evaluation and it was nice to revisit with Suzanne, the Assistant Activities Director, the progress I had made. She had very good things to say to me, especially about how well I perform in Southgate, the behaviorally challenged unit. She couldn't have said nicer things to me and written nicer comments on the performance appraisal. Plus, I got a 3% raise! All of the stress of the day engulfed me and when the closing time arrived and I could finally rest my headache pounded so much more.

Some food finally fixed that all up though! I met up with Jordan, who just got back from Air Force duties in Germany, and his girlfriend, Shana, at the closest diner near my house. It was nice to hang out with them and chew the fat for a good hour or so. He told me that he is planning on going to Iraq for three months! Isn't that insane? I couldn't handle that, that's for sure. Or, how Shana can handle it? She said that she doesn't want him to go! I can't even handle Brittanie being gone for two weeks! Ugh! Brittanie's going away this Saturday! More stressing out! I'm going to faint!


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