an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


I don't want to talk about my day today. I want to talk about stories. And I kind of want to talk a lot.

There are two physical things I love most about people: one is how they smell, the other is their hands. Hands and feet are similar, in that I feel that they tell such a rich story about the person they belong to.

I know some people really don't like feet. I think that's pretty funny, but to each his own. Feet are a practicality, really, so I don't judge them for being ugly. And like I said, there's something kind of endearing about them.

These are my feet. They tell a story. The smashed toenail on my left pinky, the left pointer toe with the toenail that's always grown sideways and has given me quite the callous on the inside of my big toe from running, how absurdly long all my toes are, my ridiculous (truly, ridiculous) Toms tan.

I love stories. Always have. I've been thinking about them a lot the past couple days. How two stories come to intersect through chance - how one minor detail if changed, might have made them parallel, never connected.

When I think about these things I can't help but feel there is map, a plan - not a destiny or preconceived fate - but a spiderweb of paths your life can move along depending on your choices. I'm not religious, but I do believe in this interesting karmic power of the universe - a straightening, a balancing. Perhaps Tao is the closest analogy I can make.

I wish I had said this, but this is how I have been feeling:

"I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple: find what it is that makes you happy and who it is that makes you happy and you're set."

In the spirit of Liz, my five things that make me happy today (try not to feel the Texas bias too hard):

1. Wranglers. Yeah.
2. Writing postcards. Blip friends - your replies are in the mail. Other friends too. I've been very prolific this week.
3. This goat.
4. Hendricks and tonic. Which I distinctly craved at about 12:30p. Too bad it was a weekday?
5. The only mildly bizarre Waylon & Willie kick I've been on lately.

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