Country File

By marypot

Ball Park

Grace and I went to meet some friends this morning at a cafe which includes a play area for the kids. There is a special bit put aside for 0 - 2 year olds, but as Grace's friends are all a bit too old for that, we went into the 2 - 4 year olds' section. It was her first time in a soft play area and she didn't quite know what to make of it at first, though she soon relaxed and seemed to enjoy watching the others play, and even had a little play herself, trying to crawl through the balls.

In other news:

Thank you for your concern about my brother. He is doing much better. I went to see him in hospital today. He's out of Critial Care and now on one of the regular wards. He is bored and grumpy, which I take to be a good sign!

The lamby from yesterday's blip is doing ok so far and is feeding from his mammy now, though they are still in the lamb adopter. If she still won't accept him, he'd become a bottle fed 'pet' lamb.

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