Blips and blops

By Mags

Giddy House

We spent our last day on Jamaica with my mums cousin and her husband. We went to the Yacht Club for lunch and then headed to Port Royal. On June 7, 1692, a violent earthquake shook the region and pushed Port Royal into the sea. The Earthquake of 1907 shifted the old Royal Artillery Store it to its present 45 degree angle seen above. On entering the building, people often feel a strange sensation of being giddy or off balance, caused by the building?s tilt, hence its name -the Giddy House. I entered and its true - you really do feel giddy!! I do not want to leave Jamaica - still so much to see and do. Mr Mags and JK are currently packing the suit case although right now they are hunting for the beetle that was seen crawling in the case!!!

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