Out With The Old...

.... and in with the new!

Except it's never as easy as that if you're an Apple girl and the new toy is an Android invention.

I have to say the Golden Boy has been very patient in explaining things to me and I think I may be getting my brain operating system to make the change slowly, but at the moment it's bursting with new found knowledge, as my phone home page is bursting with apps and widgets.

A night's sleep is impossible when your brain cells are doing merry dances inside your skull until the small hours.

I expect it's good for me to suffer a little in the pursuit of knowledge- it was all too easy with the I-phone.
Apart from everything else, I have learned how to use Swype, a handy way of producing text and which rhymes with Skype which I've always been able to use.

I've also down loaded 164 pages of the user manual which will be my bible after Golden Boy departs.

And so my I-phone 3 is now up for grabs and if you would like to form an orderly queue behind the family, and answer the following question correctly, your name will be put in the hat and a draw will be made next week.
This is the question: What is the colour of the Mofi sleeve for my Galaxy 2 that I've ordered from Ebay?
Is it a) Blue
b) Red
c) Green
Answers on a Blipfoto comment please.

D77 is excluded from the draw as a) he knows the answer and b) he wouldn't be seen dead with an I-phone anyway.

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