Borrowby Show

A comfortable night under nylon marred only by the snoriest man in the world who apparently was louder than me, which wouldn't be hard as I don't snore. No.

Up with the larks, coffee, tent down and everything packed away by ten so that we and the Moores (of the caravan) could go to the 63rd Borrowby Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Combined Show and Gymkhana. To give it its proper name. Very pleasantly English and rural. But deadly serious. They even had a bale competition. Two categories: meadow hay and straw and although I had the judging criteria explained to me, the key point seems to be that the straw in the middle shouldn't be "feisty". That's a bit pungent. Sweet, grassy, flowery - a bit like Glenkinchie but without the whisky. That's what you want in a bale of grass.

Other than that it was Martin Parr moments aplenty (not that this is one of them).

Oh, and Snapseed, a marvellous wee app if you've an iPad.

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