Little Fox

By LittleFox

Darkwing Duck?!

We went to a pub in Avoncliff today. Right next to the it was a beautiful place. Unfortunately the food didn't quite match the beautiful setting...but nevermind. This little duck was watching his mates play in the water and allowed me to get pretty close to him. He even walked up to me afterwards as if to say "Don't stop photographing me!!"

Went for a nice walk along the canal afterwards to walk of the lunch.

1 week today until the due date. Let's see if my German genes are strong enough to bring this baby out in time....german punctuality and all that ;). Although I read today that 5% of babies are born on their due date and 75% after their due date. That leaves my chances of an early baby pretty slim, considering that everyone around us had early babies haha! It will happen...when it happens!

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