Clean Slate

By cleanslate

The Pretty Bricks

So the whole 'July thing' didn't work out so well, huh??

Still, I'd say it is an improvement on the months preceding July, so stop complaining!

These are some pretty bricks. Job done. What? More? Oh go on then :-)

The road to my car park is closed for Tram installation. In a very serious, sort of, possibly permanent, way. I'm all in favour of trams but this one is heading for Manchester City's stadium, so I can't see the point myself ;-) Anyway, my road is closed and my detour takes me through some delightful streets that you can't drive too slowly through after 4pm or you run the risk of inadvertently commiting yourself to some sort of illegal act. BUT, right on the most popular corner of all (3 girls usually there when I drive past at 4.30 - you can only imagine the situation later on) is a ruined building with these remaining tiles. It always makes me smile (not in an 'eye contact with the girls' sort of way - although sometimes it's hard to tell). Where I grew up there was a pub called the Pretty Bricks with similar tiling and where my parents used to let me have half a pint of bitter with my egg and chips (ooooh egg and chips!) when I was probably too young:-) So, I like pretty bricks. Which might make me weird, I guess you just have to know your audience. For instance, when you're driving past the pretty bricks corner on a warm summer night, with the window open, car fan blazing, radio turned right up (so you can hear over the top of the fan).... what you probably don't need is 3 prostitutes swinging around in alarm, at Harriett Gilbert's booming voice announcing her 'Good Read' *holds head in shame*

What else? Work's busy, my boss is going on holiday for 2 weeks and is having his usual panic about getting things done. I think I've convinced him not to take his blackberry, which means I can get up to no good whilst he's gone!! Only kidding ;-) I've had my work laptop delivered this week, which is something of a mixed blessing. As a part-timer, it will make me feel much more on top of everything but I have to promise not to let it take over! Otherwise, how will I have time to blip.... I can sense everyones' concern!

No.1 son has finally broken up from school, later than everyone else in the known universe (don't get me started on the 2 week Whitsun holiday!) His childminder is taking the kids to the East Lancs railway tomorrow. She also looks after a little boy with bright orange hair, whose favourite colour is (obviously) orange, he explains it patiently to anyone who'll listen, 'it's because of my HAIR!' And no.1 son has gone to bed worried that he won't be able to find an orange t shirt to wear, to show his solidarity. The ups and downs of being a 4 year old on holiday.

Mr CleanSlate has had a job interview/assessment thing today and been a very clever bunny, so nice things for tea :-) I'm going to go and perform a complicated warming up cooking ritual to show my support.

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