Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Whats Green and spikey??

Mmmmmm what is going on?

Not just generally, but with this feeling of Autumn!! Another day of overcast sky and the slight drawing in of the nights and the slowness of the mornings to warm and brighten makes you think of warm jumpers and long ,leaf kicking ,walks.

There is always the misty, earthy smell that comes with the next season and it seems to be missing at the moment, so, I assume this is an aboration of Autumn and NOT the real thing! Too early for wishing about dewy mornings and hanging mists, watching the sun rise through amber haze and an inviting pub fire, oh yes, far too early!

Cider and cool beers, camping and rolling about in dry grass, sun on your shoulders and snoozing along side of a slow, lazy river, that IS what we want!

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