This is all that is left...
...from the chicken at the weekend.
A bit of skin, a couple of lemons and the top of an onion! Granted it was a large bird, British and free range it cost me a little more than your average BOGOF one but it was definitely worth it. It was moist and tasty....
...I roasted it with Lemon, garlic and rosemary on Sunday
Served it cold with potato salad on Monday
Stripped the wings for a salad with homemade mayonnaise on Tuesday
Used the rest of the meat in a tomato & spinach curry to serve four on Wednesday
I have 2 litres of stock for the risotto tomorrow and another litre for soup or maybe a pot of gravy for the freezer!
88p per person... beat that!!!
Fresh lychee?s for dessert... who knew the naughty Yorkie would love them too?!
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