The Weigh In

Archie now weighs 9lbs 2ozs.

This, believe it or not is the first time Archie has been weighed since leaving hospital. Due to the Health Visitor's technique of ringing up and asking Abigail 'Is everything is alright?' to which Abigail replies 'Yes'

I throw my eyes upwards to the sky and ask you to fill in the RANT grrr

Apparently he needs to be weighed for when he starts to come off the oxygen as it is one of the signs he might be struggling.

Anyway this lot of Health Visitors in a church hall very close to where Abigail lives were very acommodating, let me take photos and gave Abigail the times of a little premature baby group that meets on fridays ...which funnily enough is exactly when the Oxygen Nurse calls on Archie.

Oh and case you hadn't noticed Archie HATES being weighed, luckily I was on hand to record this fact.

I have just got back from babysitting and I am absolutely knackered ...

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